Friday, November 11, 2005

Icky Mommy

Isnt that funny? You really do forget how awful the whole pregnancy thing can be. LOL

Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED to actually be here. Its just amazing how with that first look at my precious babies the memory of how horribly sick I was with both Josh & Amanda just faded away. Each and every one of those memories are back with a vengance. Along with the mix of excitement, anticipation, anxiety and joy comes the torture-induced stomach flu (calling it morning sickness really doesnt do it justice), the headaches, shooting pains, mood swings and exhaustion. And I have 7 more months of this?!?!


We just got back from a fun girls night out with Grandma Georgia. Saw a chick flick, ate pasta. The only thing missing was the glass of wine. Having Amanda here a couple of days early this week due to a school break has been great. We have been able to start some heavy duty Christmas daydreaming-that is ALWAYS fun! And thankfully, it is almost the weekend so we are looking forward to lunch with Grandma Mary Beth and Aunt Laura.

1 comment:

lisa said...

so there is life after these ickie feelings? will the emotions ever stable out? =)